Marin Teknik Marine Consulting Industry & Trade Co. , founded in 2003 by an oceangoing chief engineer A. Serdar Güçlü who has a profound experience on shipping and marine industry, serviced in both ship maintenance and marine consulting with an innovative approach in the early years. 

Just after adding ship management to its operations, Marin Teknik undertook the management of the ships belong to Summit Navigation SA, Sun Shipping SA and Gals Trading SA. 

In 2004, Marin Mechanical Engineering Consulting Co. was founded to divide the maintenance and management operations within the company group. 

In 2009, the first products related with materials and equipments of sea cleaning were introduced to the market under Marin Cleaning, new brand of us. In 2012 Marin Clean Yacht and Sea Cleaning Equipments Manufacturing Ind. and Trade Co. got started. 

Marin Group has been providing services on import, export, supply, repair, maintenance, expertise and surveys related with marine industry.